
I am Lena Edlinger, artist and art therapist from Austria.
Since early childhood I use art to bring the inner outward. For this reason I studied art therapy and I like to accompany people not only artistically, but also art-therapeutically.
For me, art means feeling: feeling during the process, feeling while perceiving an artwork.  Art means dealing with the world, with oneself, with experiences. Art offers an extended means of communication through an unique level.

Art allows me to express, play and create: emotions, inner images, sensations, memories, thoughts, desires, to shape themselves and their environment. I like to experiment with different media.
Since I was a child I have had the inner urge to express myself artistically. My process is intuitive and goes by feeling.
I am fascinated by the human body and emotions: of how humans can express themselves through the body, of how they experience emotions, that the body is our connection of the outer and inner world; of how unique its forms are, how it makes us feel our connection to nature.
For this reason, I also like to integrate the living human being (often myself) into my artworks, to let it dive into projected artworks with its physical expression and experience, or to design the body itself by painting it.
I integrate the „living“ person into my works to add the possibilities of physical expression to the creative expression: Posture, gesture, facial expression, movement,.

Nudity is another central aspect of my art. Nudity means to be unveiled. To be pure. Naked the body feels best. Naked it is most vulnerable. Nudity means strength; to show oneself, not to hide. Nakedness means to be unprotected. This nudity symbolizes life for me; allowing passion, emotions, daring to be a person with feelings and at the same time risking to be wounded.

If you are interested in my artistic/art therapeutic guidance in my studio, feel free to visit the following page: http://www.edlingerkunsttherapie.at



© 2022 by

Lena Edlinger