bodyart bodypainting masks collage

for me bodyart is a very expressive and special opportunity. the body can strengthen the artistic expression in addition to the colors and shapes, through posture and facial expressions. Also as an art therapist I am working with bodypainting and I am convinced of its „effect“.

strength of vulnerability
shining through all my masks
everything fades away
Stay sane inside insanity
like a balloon
Live Body Painting Performance, Art Walk Tulln 2023
Live Bodypainting Performance, Art Session St.Pölten 2023- model and artist: Vera M. Glawitsch
Bodypainting Lena Edlinger; Photography @juliaaquaart
bodypainting on myself, gefühlsstrudel
bodypainting in my studio
head slipped
nature fairy
body kaleidoscope
let's be friends

© 2022 by

Lena Edlinger